The art of persuasion
Six secrets of persuasion
Before giving anything we expect to have something per contra.
for example: giving a mint beside the restaurant bill increase 3% of the tip, 2 mints increase 14%.
if the waiter says "for you nice people here is another mint" increase 23% of the tip.
What you give is personalized and unexpected.
People want more of those things there are less of.
for example: when British Airways decreases concord flights to London from 2 to 1, agencies started to make "sale".
Here you don't have to only tell the customer about the benefits of the product he's taking from you, but also the uniqueness and what they stand to lose if they leave your product.
People follow credible knowledgeable experts.
for example: we trust a stranger near the parking moneybox just because he's wearing a badge.
When people know you or hear about you or you work, that will give them more trust in you.
for example: a realestate agency secretary answers the phone call "speak to Peter who has 15 years of experience in selling properties"
for example: when a store in a small village hanged a card says "drive slow" after a while many houses had hanged the same card.
We like: people who are similar to us
people who pay us compliments
people who cooperate with us
example: a study divided a participants into two teams and started doing some business, the first group talked directly in business and succeeded 55% of the negotiation. the second group before talking in business they shared some personal information and succeed 90% of the negotiation.
When they are uncertain, people will look to the actions of others to determine their own.
for example: small cards in hotels to persuade customers to reuse their towels, if we write the benefits that reuse can have on environment that will lead to 35% of compliance. while if we write "35% of our guests reuse their towels, please do as well" will lead to 75% of compliance.
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